Do you own a local or online service-based business?

Here's how to harness the power of online marketing to become the LEAD SHEEP in your market

Take a close look, and tell me what do you see?

Behind these pixels on the screen, I mean.

Curtis Penner - the lead sheep

Hey, It's me. Curtis Penner.

I’m a flesh-and-blood person.

A person who eats out at restaurants … hires a photographer for my wedding … pays a real estate agent good money to sell my home.

I have a wife who goes to a hairdresser, and brings her to dog to the groomer.

I’m a guy who gets massages to ease my stiff, inflexible, forty-something year old body … who gets his ducts cleaned and would love to be a better golfer.

In other words…

If you own a service-based business, there's a good chance that I'm your prospect.

And you want to know how I see your business?

You're Sitting On A Goldmine

To me, your business looks like a gold mine. Here’s why…

It’s rare to find service businesses that do a good job of using 21st century online marketing techniques to serve me, the client … the customer … the patient.

Frankly, they f#@% it up a hundred ways to Wednesday.

To me, a guy who knows online marketing, I see so many ways – easy, inexpensive ways – that you could deliver outstanding service to those people, and dominate your market…

… And do it in a way that makes people stand up and say, “Wow, that was awesome. I have to tell everyone I know.”

Or even better, do it in a way that makes them tell everyone they don’t know by leaving a review of your business on Google, Yelp, Facebook, or all of the above.

What do you care about?

Now, I don’t know you personally – yet. But I’m going to make some assumptions about you.

I've been a colleague of Curtis' for years. We work together sharing ideas and reviewing one another's work. Curtis has helped me tremendously over the years with online marketing ideas, especially when it comes to website design and website conversion. He has a terrific sense of website design that works and the skills to create those websites.
Curtis is such a talented writer. He has a gift for crafting copy that really nails the psychology of your buyer - That's a long-winded way of saying his writing converts! Highly recommended.

“The copy really speaks to my ideal client in super clear manner that draws the client in.”

– Samantha Elizabeth –

I think most small business owners are like you. The problem is…

They just don't know what they don’t know.

They don't know how to use the tools available to them to make the difference they want to make.

Did you expect to know this?

I bet when you started doing what you do, you didn’t foresee also having to become an expert in:

  • Website design;
  • Website conversion optimization;
  • Copywriting;
  • SEO;
  • Social media marketing;
  • Email marketing and automation

It was the same for me when I started my first service business in 2001 – a personal fitness training business.

I learned pretty quickly that if I didn't have a website … if I didn't know how to market my business … I wouldn't have a business for very long.

But here's the dilemma I faced back then, and so many small business owners face today…

  • I had no money to pay someone to make my first website.
  • I had no money to pay a professional copywriter to write my ads for me.
  • I had no money to pay a videographer to make my videos for me.

So I dug in and learned it all myself.

A screenshot of my first website ever. Compared to today's sites … 😳

This was my 2nd attempt at a newspaper insert, featuring one my fave clients. It knocked it out of the park and brought in thousands of $$$.

One of my first videos for my fitness business – featuring Lynda, an employee of mine at the time.

My hatred for 5 am wakeup calls is good news for you

As it turned out, I loved marketing far more than I loved getting up at 5 am to punish push people through their workouts.

I closed down my personal training business, and began helping small business owners learn how to…

  • Create automated methods for attracting new prospects;
  • Create systems that convert more of those prospects into clients on autopilot;
  • Deliver remarkable customer service to your existing customers.

… So they can make a greater impact in their industry, in your community, and their bank account.

And I believe I can help you too. Here's how…

Solution #1: One-on-One Coaching

If you’ve got some online marketing savviness, if you understand the inner workings of email autoresponders, landing pages, marketing funnels and content creation, but need help formulating a plan that takes all the puzzle pieces and puts them in place to form a beautiful picture, then my 1-on-1 coaching is for you.

NOTE: Coaching packages are done in 3-month terms. Coaching fees range from $1500 USD – $4500 USD per term.

Solution #2: Done-For-You

If time is your issue, or you simply have no interest in learning how to do this online marketing stuff, and you have at least $2000 a month to invest, then consider having me become your “marketing guy”.